EANS national membership – Slovak National Society – proforma invoice
Dear Officers,
attached to my email please find the invoice for your society’s EANS subscription for 2017.
The invoice was issued based on 36 members of your society, which is the number we hold in our records. If the number has changed, please let me know as soon as possible and I’ll amend the invoice.
If all the information are correct, I’d kindly ask you to proceed with the payment at your earliest convenience.
Our bank details changed this year, please update your records. The new bank details are the following:
Accountname: Main Currents
Bank: KBC Bank
IBAN nr: BE77 7350 4559 5442
Beneficiary address: Kortrijksesteenweg 1142 bus 5, 9051 St-Denijs-Westrem, Belgium
Please confirm me that you have received my email and the date when the payment will be done.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
With best wishes,
Tomas Csorgo | Financial Administrator, EANS
tomas.csorgo@eans.org | P: +420 773 612 753